Nanophotonics Theory Group @ ICFO Widgets
⇨ Calculator based on atomic units   
⇨ Dielectric function data base   
⇨ Nanoplasmons: extinction/scattering/absorption by nanoparticles of various morphologies   
⇨ Mie light scattering by a single sphere   
⇨ Mie light scattering by a single coated sphere   
⇨ Light scattering by a sphere dimer (spheres of the same material and different sizes)   
⇨ Light scattering by a sphere dimer (spheres of different materials and sizes)   
⇨ Light, sound, and electron transmission through a single hole in a screen of finite thickness   
⇨ Spontaneous decay in front of a planar surface   
⇨ EELS and CL for an isolated sphere   
⇨ EELS and CL for an electron moving parallel to a planar surface   
⇨ EELS and CL for an electron moving parallel to a film on a planar surface   
⇨ Transition radiation and SPP generation by a fast electron   
⇨ Transition radiation and SPP generation by a fast electron in superconductors   
⇨ Graphene conductivity in the local random-phase approximation (local-RPA)   
⇨ Optical transmission through extended graphene   
⇨ Optical transmission through graphene ribbons   
⇨ Electron diffraction in atomic clusters (EDAC) for photoelectron diffraction (PD) simulations   
⇨ Vacuum friction of a rotating sphere